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In a professional capacity, I am devoted and committed to educating others (i.e, oneself, families, businesses, and society) about the abilities of persons with disabilities and to assisting persons with disabilities in coping well and in creating the life they seek. I believe, wholeheartedly, that difficult and challenging experiences, which may include the presence of disability, present an opportunity for personal enlightenment, growth, and development and can be a catalyst for internal healing and for positive societal change. Yet, sometimes, it may be a while for some to see this, especially when the experience of disability is very personal.

For this reason, this section of the website is devoted to share with others living with a disability, professionals, and scholars information which may be of interest and value when living with a disability, learning more about the experience of disability, or when working with others either in a(n) direct or indirect manner. Information may be shared through:

  • Professional speaking engagements
  • Training of staff, employees, and companies about the capabilities of persons with disabilities
  • Writing and
  • Research

In my work with others, I focus on viewing people in holistic manner and from a strength-based perspective. I am committed to exploring, discussing, and promoting work and information related to helping persons with disabilities cope in a positive and resilient manner. While my interests are primarily focused on coping and adaptation to disability and on improving the lives of persons with disabilities, my research is particularly focused on forgiveness, compassion and self-compassion, resiliency, and coping interventions and approaches as they relate to disability. People interested in learning more, collaborating on research, or desiring to receive training at their place of business may contact me regarding availability.

Books on Living with a Disability

Living with a Disability: Finding Peace Amidst the Storm

Publisher: Counseling Association of India

Life is an experience filled with many twists and turns. While some may be predictable, others are not. The experience of living with a disability is not one society readily discusses or prepares people for very well. As a result, life following disability can feel ambiguous, confusing, or even unjust. Compounding this situation is the reality that life changes so quickly and people may be unsure of how to help themselves. For this reason, this book was written and can be used as a guide or a place in which persons with disabilities can safely explore some of their experiences. It may also be a resource useful for loved ones and professionals in understanding some of the experiences that occur following disability and in learning more about strategies and approaches for dealing with such experiences. People interested in reading more about the book or purchasing it may locate it on Amazon.com at: Buy Now

Reflections from the Past: Life Lessons for Better Living

Publisher:Counseling Association of India

Resilience is a skill useful to all people, especially when they encounter sudden, life changing, or difficult situations. It is a part of life which has a lot of relevance to the needs of and experiences sometimes encountered by persons with disabilities. Yet, to date, very little is known about resilience or how people learn to face and move past challenging life events such as disability. Regardless of a person’s situation, resilience is something which can be learned or enhanced. Much of this book is devoted to the exploration of skills and lessons learned while living with a disability which have be used and can be cultivated or refined. It is a means through which people and professionals can discover which skills relate to them or to those they work with following disability. People interested in reading more about the book or purchasing it may locate it on Amazon.com at: Buy Now


Publisher:Counseling Association of India

Disability is an event that affects the lives of the individual with a disability and that of family members. While several resources exist for individuals with disabilities, fewer are available for families going through the experience of adjusting to a loved one’s disability and the changes that sometimes accompany it. This book was written to help bridge that gap and to provide information and support to families and professionals working with people and their loved ones going through the experience of disability. People interested in reading more about the book or purchasing it may locate it on Amazon.com at: Buy Now

Stuntzner and Hartley’s Life Enhancement Intervention: Developing Resiliency Skills Following Disability

Publisher: Counseling Association of India
Resilience Title Page

Stuntzner and Hartley’s Life Enhancement Intervention: Developing Resiliency Skills Following Disability (2015) is a 10 – Module intervention developed to teach persons with disabilities information and skills related to resiliency and disability. The skills taught have been well-documented as those that are related to resiliency and to coping well with a disability. The skills covered do not represent all of those that may help people become more resilient, but they were carefully selected due to their duo-relationship with resiliency and adaptation to disability. Interested persons or professionals should contact me directly for more information. The cost of this product is $60.00. Price includes shipping, mailing, and credit card costs.

Stuntzner’s Forgiveness Intervention: Learning to Forgive Yourself and Others

Publisher: Counseling Association of India
Stuntzner Forgiveness Title Page

Stuntzner’s Forgiveness Intervention (2015) is a 7 – module forgiveness intervention. The intervention was developed within a framework that primarily addresses the needs, issues, and adaptation concerns of persons with disabilities. Disability, as presented in the intervention, represents a broad term and the multitude of conditions or situations (i.e., cognitive, mental health, physical, degenerative/neurological, invisible and visible disabilities, learning, etc.) as well as the numerous experiences often associated with a disability. Although the focus of the intervention is on persons with disabilities and their needs, professionals should be aware that much of the information and concepts presented are useful for other populations, as well. The focus for this intervention is disability, though, due to the fact that very few interventions and professional resources exist for this group of people in relation to forgiveness and the numerous challenging and often socially marginalizing experiences they and/or their family, friends, and loved ones sometimes experience. Interested persons or professionals should contact me directly for more information. The cost of this product is $60.00. Price includes shipping, mailing, and credit card costs.



March 2015 – Coeur d’Alene Press Article: “Women with Disabilities in the Workplace: A Need for Advancement Opportunities” Women with Disabilities Workplace

February2015 – Coeur d’Alene Press Article: “Forgiveness: A Vital Skill to Cope with Employment Issues” Forgiveness and Employment Article

January 2015 – Coeur d’Alene Press Article: “Resilience: A Pathway to Healthier and Happier Living” Resilience Newspaper Article

December 2014 – Coeur d’Alene Press Article: “Self-compassion and Employment Issues of Persons with Disabilities” Self-Compassion and Employment Article

THE THERAPEUTIC TRIAD OF DISABILITY (AKA: Forgiveness, Self-compassion, & Resilience)

Stuntzner, S., Dalton, J., & MacDonald, A. (2018, July). The therapeutic triad of disability. Counseling Today, 46-51. Counseling Today TherapeuticTriad Article


Stuntzner, S., MacDonald, A., Hartley, M., & Jain, S. (2020). Cultivating forgiveness, resilience, and positive change: A resilience intervention pilot study among persons with disabilities. International Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal, 5(2), 67-73. DOI: 10.15406/ipmrj.2020.05.00231 Resilience Intervention Article – Pilot Study

Stuntzner, S., MacDonald, A., & Hartley, M. (2020). Therapeutic effects of building resilience: An observation of two case studies. International Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal, 5(1), 39 -44. DOI: 10.15406/ipmrj.2020.05.00226 Resilience Case Study Article

Stuntzner, S., Dalton, J., Umeasiegbu, V., MacDonald, A., & Mercado, F., (2018).Resilience and disability: Consideration and Integration of resilience training in undergraduate rehabilitation service programs. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 49(4), 5-13. Resilience and Disability Article JARC

Stuntzner, S. (2016). Resilience and Disability: Creation of an on-line course for
professionals. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, 9(2), 63-72. Resilience Course Article

Stuntzner, S., & Hartley, M. (2015). Family resilience following disability: Enhancing
counselors’ skills in treating families. ACA VISTAS, Summer Issue. Vistas Family Resilience Article – Published

Stuntzner, S., & Hartley, M. (2014). Resiliency, coping, and disability: The development
of a resiliency intervention. ACA VISTAs, Spring Issue. Stuntzner & Hartley’s Intervention Article


Stuntzner, S., Dalton, J., & MacDonald, A. (2019). Application of forgiveness in rehabilitation psychology: A positive option for change. International Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Journal, 4(4), 184 -191. DOI: 10.15406/ipmrj.2019.04.00196 IPMRJ-Application of Forgiveness to Rehab Psych

Stuntzner, S., Lynch, R., Enright, R., Hartley, M., & MacDonald, A. (2019). Forgiveness and psychosocial reactions to disability: A pilot study to examine change in persons with spinal cord injury. International Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal, 4(4), 171-177. DOI: 10.15406/ipmrj.2019.04.00194 IPMRJ-Forgiveness and Psychosocial Reactions to Disability

Stuntzner, S., & MacDonald (2016). Disability and forgiveness: An intervention to
promote positive coping for persons with disabilities. Annals of Psychotherapy and Integrative Health, 25(4), 36-61. Forgiveness and Disability Intervention

Stuntzner, S., & Dalton, J. (2015). Forgiveness and disability: Reconsideration of
forgiveness as a vital component of the rehabilitation counseling profession. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 46(3), 35-43. JARC – FORGIVENESS

Stuntzner, S., Hartley, M., Lynch, R., & Enright, R. (2015). Comparison between two
on-line interventions promoting psychological well-being: An experimental study. Annals of Psychotherapy and Integrative Health, September Issue. Comparison of Two Online Interventions to Cope with Spinal Cord Injury

Stuntzner, S., & Dalton, J. (2014). Living with a disability: A gateway to practicing
forgiveness and compassion. American Association of Integrative Medicine, October Issue. Stuntzner & Dalton – Compassion Article


Stuntzner, S. (2017). Compassion and self-compassion: Conceptualization of and application to adjustment to disability. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 48(2), 14-24. Self-compassion and Adjustment to Disability – JARC#2

Stuntzner, S. (2016). Book Review: Gilbert, P. (2009). The compassionate mind: A new
approach to life’s challenges. New Harbinger Publications. American Association of Integrative Medicine, March Issue. The Compassionate Mind – Published Book Review – March 2016

Stuntzner, S. (2015). Book Review: Germer, C. (2009). The mindful path to self-
compassion: Freeing yourself from destructive thoughts and emotions. The Guilford Press. American Association of Integrative Medicine, September Issue. Book Review -The Mindful Path to Self

Stuntzner, S., & Hartley, M. (2015). Balancing self-compassion with self-advocacy: A
new approach for persons with disabilities. Annals of Psychotherapy and Integrative Health, February Issue. Stuntzner_Hartley – Annals of Psychotherapy

Stuntzner, S., & Dalton, J. (2014). Living with a disability: A gateway to practicing
forgiveness and compassion. American Association of Integrative Medicine, October Issue. Stuntzner & Dalton – Compassion Article

Stuntzner, S. (2014). Book Review: Neff, K. (2011). Self-compassion: Stop beating
yourself up and leave your insecurities behind. Harper Collings Publishing.
American Association of Integrative Medicine, August Issue. Self-Compassion Book Review

Stuntzner, S. (2014). Compassion and self-compassion: Exploration of utility as essential components of the rehabilitation counseling profession. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 45(1), 37-44. Self-compassion Article – JARC #1

Stuntzner, S. (2014). Self-Compassion and sexuality: A new model for women with
disabilities. ACA VISTAs, Summer Issue. Self-compassion and Sexuality for WWDs

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