Home Testimonials


John Sassin

 Phd CRC Undergraduate Rehabilitation Services Program CoordinatorLangston University- Tulsa

“Susan has found the most amazing way of helping people with disabilities find their true paths. True healing comes from one’s ability to find forgiveness and resilience. Her research and subsequent training gives clinicians one of the most powerful opportunities to heal those struggling with disabilities. I highly recommend her work – I truly appreciate […]

Karla Felske

PhD, Clinical Neuropsychologist, Milwaukee, WI

“Dr. Stuntzner’s book, ‘Living with a Disability: Finding Peace Amidst the Storm’ provides an excellent frame for those dealing with a disability. Dr. Stuntzner’s account is a brilliant example of how living with a disability is less about what one cannot do but what one can.”

Bryan Maughan

Ph.D. |Program Director, Professional Practices Doctoral (PPD)-Ed.D.,University of Idaho

“I deeply appreciate your references to God and ‘blessings’ – forgiveness, something losing ground in our society…..The chapter on putting theory into practice is awesome!”

Karla Felske

PhD, Clinical Neuropsychologist, Milwaukee, WI

“Dr. Stuntzner is a leading expert in the field of rehabilitation counseling. Her presentation is thought provoking and informative. This event is a must attend for all practitioners who work with individuals with disability.”

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